Teachers As Service Innovators

Teachers As Service Innovators
Technology has had little impact in the way teaching is done in our classrooms today. ”Most kids today are taught more or less the same way their grandparents were taught.” writes Bill Gates in a recent blog post. But that is changing, and it is changing very rapidly.
The confluence of cloud, social, mobile, MOOCs, and other technologies is ushering a seismic shift in education as it has in other areas including publishing, journalism, music and video entertainment, and others. “The next decade is going to be a period of tremendous innovation in teaching and learning…. If there’s one word to explain how technology can transform education, it’s “personalization.” And, good teachers are those who will facilitate this personalization through understanding that not all students learn the same way and who employ technology to approximate personalized learning experience in a classroom with 20~30 students.
With so many new products available, we need to make sure states, districts, schools, teachers, parents, and everyone else who’s interested in using educational software knows what is available, what is most effective and how to best put solutions to use. Otherwise, the best products might not break through the noise.
This means teachers must not only become technology savvy, but they must view their role more as a service provider, and the students as customers, and the process student learning as co-creation of value. In other word, teachers much become Service Innovators.
Source: yassimoghaddam.com