What Shape Is The Future IT Professional?

Earlier this year, members of the International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP), including myself, Charlie Bess, Haluk Demirkan, and Jim Spohrer, published an article in the Cutter IT Journal (CITJ) titled, “How to Thrive as IT Professionals in a Converging ICT World.” In the article, we discussed today’s changing business environment and how technology professionals can proactively prepare for its dynamic nature.
In order to safely navigate the accelerating rate of change, IT professionals must be more adaptive with abilities to cross traditional boundaries including disciplines, sectors, cultures, geographies. The new IT in the enterprise will require IT professionals with business and organizational knowledge in addition to technology expertise. IT innovation will increasingly mean providing an expanded role for customers and partners to co-create value on service platforms. The future of IT professional will be T-shaped with depth in at least one area of expertise and ability to cross many boundaries. You can download the article here, and share what you think.
Source: yassimoghaddam.com